How video ads boost your digital presence

Video is the preferred digital format for consumers, in large part because of the prevalence of smartphones. In Spain, the U.S., China, Brazil or Mexico, smartphone use makes up well over 65% of all time spent online. One third of all digital time is dedicated to consuming video. In addition, the much sought-after Millennial and Z Generations consume more video than other age groups.

To glues these eyes to screens, marketers and businesses know that video is a key piece of their marketing plan. So it comes as no surprise that  87% of marketers include video in their marketing mix. The latest data from the United States reflects this ongoing trend of increased video ad spend:

 Source: Emarkerter

Mobile video ads are the format with the most growth potential. For this reason, it’s important to bet big on video, especially on mobile video.

If you follow these tips, you can ensure your videos connect with your intended target audience and boost your video ad results:

Video assists conversion, and if you advertise, it’s even better. According to a report from Forrester, products that are supported with video have up to 2.5 times more conversion than those products with no video. This is partially due to the fact that video does a great deal to improve brand awareness. In other words, the brand “sticks” with consumers after they view your video. Unlike the searches in Google that reflect user intention, on YouTube and social media, people come with a different mindset: they are relaxed and ready to be entertained, exposed to new experiences and wanting to explore.

Include social media in any video ad plan. Sometimes we limit our thinking to promoting video on YouTube or in rich media display formats, but much of video consumption happens on social networks. Promoting your  videos on social media will result in more shares of those videos. Posts on Facebook with video are shared 1200% more than posts that just contain text or links, according to social measuring toolmakers Simply Measured. Social media platforms are in essence mobile channels– this is where you are going to capture smartphone users.

Segment by interest. Many clients worry about the huge reach, impression and view numbers their videos achieve– “Am I really impacting my target audience?”, they ask. Thanks to the advanced and very specific segmenting options that Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter offer, you can focus your video campaigns on precise interests, behaviours, keywords, etc. With sound planning, you can communicate with the audience that is most relevant to the video, and your business.

Remember why content is interesting. Think of all the videos that you skip over or scroll past in Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. Usually, it’s because you are being subjected to content that is of no interest to you. Make sure that your videos are about a single topic (don’t bite off more than you, or your viewer, can chew) and make sure that video content blends seamlessly into your users’ timeline. If the video is interesting, if it responds to a concrete need or has its own editorial style (not just a sales focus), you will get more video views.

Consumers are following brands more than ever online. They WANT to view your content, but you must give them a motive, beyond your desire to sell, that compels them to view your videos.

Source: Sproutsocial 

Mind the details. A recent study shows that 85% of Facebook users watch video without sound. So it’s important to be sure that the videos you promote on Facebook and other channels takes into account features such as autoplay, auto-mute, and the need for subtitles and text overlays that make video intelligible (and fun!) without sound.

It’s also fundamental that the videos you publish and promote use the right aspect ratios for each channel. Here’s a up-to-date guide for video size and aspect ratios for social media platforms and YouTube.

You haven’t much time. Make it count. With formats like YouTube bumper ads that only last 6 seconds and platforms like Facebook that count a video view after 3 seconds, be sure that your video is capturing the viewer’s attention immediately– don’t make a 5 second display of your logo at the beginning of the video, get straight to content that hooks the user!

There are still ad formats that are unskippable, so be charitable with your audience: if they are being forced to view your video before another piece of content, your video should be short, entertaining and engaging. Of course, long-form video still has an important role to play in any content plan, but generally is better suited to the role of organic content that helps the user get in deep with a topic he or she is interested in.

If you are looking to make the most out of video ads in your media planning,drop us a line, we can help!

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Client Success Manager

Alexis is our Client Success Manager at All Around. She is a Digital Marketing Specialist and Manager with 15+ years of experience in international markets. She is a dedicated client partner, ready to take businesses to the next level, with vast expertise in digital strategy, operations, project management, reporting, budgeting and negotiation.